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What Coverages Are Offered Under the Shriram Life Group Term Life Insurance Plan?
Employee Cover
Shriram Life Group Term Life Insurance Plan is meant to provide coverage to the employees of a company under a master policy.
Accidental Death
This is offered as a rider under the Shriram Life Group Term Life Insurance Plan. In the case of the demise of a member, the nominee will receive the death benefits. This will provide a sense of security to members' loved ones and enhance work performance.
Disability Cover
This rider covers the unfortunate partial disability of an insured member. In the occurrence of such an event, 50% of the rider sum assured is paid to the member. In case of permanent disability, the full amount will be paid.
Lender-Borrower Schemes
The Shriram Life Group Term Life Insurance Plan also covers lender-borrower benefits. In the occurrence of the insured event, the outstanding loan balance will be paid to the master policy holder.