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Features & Benefits of Shriram Life Early Cash Plan
Here are the features of the Shriram Life Early Cash Plan:
Cash Bonus guarantee
For both the options, the cash bonus is guaranteed to be minimum of 3.5% p.a of the Sum Assured throughout the term of the plan
Power of Compounding*
Bonuses are declared on Sum Assured and accumulated Early Cash Bonuses. Terminal Bonus (if declared) too is paid on accrued cash bonuses. This helps you save more towards your major financial goals and counteract the effects of inflation
2 Bonus Options – Early Cash and Super Growth
You can choose any of the above two bonus options under this plan. With the Early Cash Option, you can receive cash bonus as annual income throughout the policy term as well as a lump sum at maturity, With Super Growth Option you can accumulate cash bonuses till maturity to receive a larger lump sum at maturity. Choose the option that suits your needs the best.
Guaranteed Income from 1st Policy Anniversary&
Cash bonus will be declared from 1st policy anniversary till the end of the policy term. This helps you in managing your regular expenses.
Life Cover
Protect your family against financial uncertainties that they might face, should something unfortunate happen to you. For additional protection, choose from the 4 rider options available with this plan.
Capital Guarantee*
Your capital (premiums paid) stays protected by way of guaranteed cash bonuses till maturity